Live and Let Live

Project details

Live and Let Live
Building Type
Commercial Building
Installation methods
Design finish
Clay Brown C03
Axion Consultants

Project description

Cedral Click has transformed an ordinary extension at the Pritchard at Live & Let Live cafe / bar in Chepstow into a spectacular example of vertically-fixed weatherboard cladding.

Cedral Click’s ability to be fixed vertically or horizontally allowed the designers to visually elongate the height of the first floor extension, giving it a more pleasing proportion in relation to the larger main building.

Cafe / bar owner Paula Smith chose Grey Brown as this complemented the muted colours used on the exterior masonry walls and window frames.

Paula was so impressed with Cedral Click’s aesthetics that she incorporated it in the interior design scheme by using it to clad the bar. Again, the Cedral Click colours were chosen to complement shades used for the internal walls.

Paula became aware of Cedral Click’s appeal, durability and low maintenance properties after a discussion with Axion Consultants, the project architects. Together they decided that Cedral Click was the most visually attractive and durable cladding for Pritchard at Live and Let Live.

“I’m so pleased with Cedral Click because it creates a traditional feel and makes the building look much more balanced,” said Paula. “It’s great to know that it has a minimum life expectancy of 50 years and requires minimal maintenance – this was important to us because customers form an impression of what’s inside by how the building looks on the outside.”

Cedral Click is a fibre cement, flush fitting tongue and groove cladding product and is offered in a range of 21 attractive colours.

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