Fibre cement vs. PVC: the comparison that led to an obvious choice…

Is fibre cement revolutionising the building sector? The fact is that those who have tried it have never looked back. That goes for Robert Hichens, a professional installer in Cornwall. The former PVC specialist didn't hesitate for a moment to make the transition. And he doesn't regret it for a minute...

In the UK, fibre cement is now popular just about everywhere, where it is increasingly being used to clad facades. It may have something to do with the winds in the exposed region, which often batter the cost line at more than 100mph.  This makes the material an even more popular choice.

fiber cement vs. pvc

Numerous advantages

The most important of these is robustness. The material is robust and perfectly anchored, and acts as a wind and rain screen. In other words, it is unaffected by weather conditions. This is a major advantage compared to wood, or even plastic, according to the installer: “Plastic, if it’s installed incorrectly, will disintegrate and blow around, take off or holes can appear if it is hit by stones. ”

With fibre cement, there is none of that, not to mention the fact that its colour stands the test of time. The facade therefore remains in a very good condition for decades.

fiber cement vs. pvc

Minimal equipment

The icing on the cake is that the façade is easy to install - for a professional installer, of course, but also for a private individual with a taste for DIY. “The most important thing is to follow the guidelines that you’re given from Cedral's. As long as you have the correct tools to install, which is very minimal - a drill, a circular saw with the correct blade for Cedral - and as long as you keep your lines straight and nice, it's really quite simple to install,” explains Robert Hichens.

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