Jean-Michel Coquereau is passionate about wood, yet he decided to build the deck for his swimming pool in fibre cement. It was initially a choice based on logic, but it quickly became a no-brainer.

Jean-Michel Coquereau has always loved working with wood. So it was natural for him to choose this material when building his first deck around his swimming pool. But eight years later, things had become clear: over time, his beautiful work had simply deteriorated. And far too quickly. 

However, the Frenchman didn't want to rebuild it using the same material, nor replace it with a composite material. Instead, he opted for Cedral fibre cement.

Fibre cement - a long-term investment

A well-considered choice

There was nothing random about this decision, which was taken after a lot of in-depth research. The reviews online were unanimous and Cedral's arguments were compelling: choosing fibre cement is a long-term investment. So Jean-Michel ordered a sample.

When the small box arrived at his home, any doubts he may have had were quickly dispelled. The colour matched his expectations, the material was of good quality and everything was clearly explained. The choice was made: he would build his next deck in fibre cement.

Fibre cement - a long-term investment

Easy to install

Jean-Michel slowly got to work. A few hours here, a few hours there... the poolside area slowly began to take shape. And the installation confirmed his first impression. Everything about the product pleased him.

No need for complicated tools, a few special blades are all it takes to ensure a quality cut. “If you make a mistake or chip the material a little, it's not a big deal because these decking boards really are coloured throughout, so you can hardly see the defect,” explains the DIYer. And the best part is that the material can be worked like wood.

Fibre cement - a long-term investment

Elegant, silky and durable

Ultimately, the result lived up to Jean-Michel's expectations - and those of his friends, who were very keen to find out about this mysterious material. “It's funny, they all had this urge to touch the deck,” he recalls. “The material has a somewhat special feel to it - it's almost silky when you run your hand over it, and it’s pleasant to walk on too.”

The investment, initially a little higher, was well worth it. There is no question of the deck being taken up and rebuilt again in 10 years. The Frenchman can see himself still enjoying it once he retires. On the other hand, if another such project comes up, he will not hesitate to turn to Cedral again!

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