Changing the colour of your Cedral facade? It is possible!

The factory-applied colours of your Cedral weatherboards resist the test of time. But even if the weather and age don’t affect the beauty of your facade cladding, you might still want to change the style of your home after some time. Then you can simply repaint the Cedral fibre-cement weatherboards. Had enough of your classic colours or pastels? You can easily replace them with more modern or dark colours. All it takes is a coat of paint.

environmentally friendly and easy to maintain facade

Go for contemporary and stylish colours

Cedral has a range of paints that is especially engineered for its fibre-cement weatherboards. So you have the freedom to change the style of your home according to your preferences. Because your taste might evolve over time, or you might have inherited a colour which is not necessarily to your liking when you bought your home.

Choose from 7 available trendy colours to personalise your house: Everest white, vanilla, brown, grey, cream white, atlas brown or slate. You’re only limited by your creativity. The vanilla and white tones are elegant and ageless, perfect for traditional homes. Cream and atlas brown blend your house smoothly into its natural environment. Or why not go for grey or slate to give your home a contemporary look.

Changing the colour of your Cedral facade? It is possible!

Give your home an original touch

Of course, you don’t have to stick to the beaten tracks or to traditional looks. You can take advantage of the wide range of colours to compose your own original identity. You can alternate different shades of the same colour, or – on the contrary – play with surprising contrasts to accentuate the different components of your building.

Let your annex stand out, for instance, with a different colour, or separate your garage visually from the main part of your house. You can freely play with colours, however we recommend limiting yourself to maximum 3 different colours to obtain an harmonious result.

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Changing the colour of your Cedral facade? It is possible!

Not sure which colour to choose? Follow our tips

To avoid disappointments, take your time to consider the following advice. These are some of the elements that can influence your choice:

  • The orientation of your house

Colours will look different once they adorn the facade of your home. The paint will have a different shade according to its exposure. The same colour will look different in the sun, compared to shaded areas.

  • Dark, light or neutral

Bright colours tend to make your home stand out and catch the eye. Neutral and darker colours make the volumes of a building look smaller, and they make your house blend in harmoniously with its surroundings.

  • Facade colours and regulations

Each municipality has its own set of building regulations. They can be more or less prescriptive according to the specific neighbourhood or the proximity of historical buildings. Therefore, always check with the local building authorities what rules apply to your area.

Changing the colour of your Cedral facade? It is possible!

Repainting your Cedral weatherboards is simple

  1. Remove any stains or dirt from the sidings with soapy water.

  2. Apply an antifungal product.

  3. Next, apply a first coat of adhesive primer.

  4. Mix the Cedral facade paint for 15 minutes to avoid any differences in colour and shine.

  5. Apply 2 coats of facade paint (by airbrush, paint roller or brush) on a dry, healthy and clean surface.
    One litre of paint is good to cover 8 to 10 m² (one layer).

  6. The Cedral facade paint is water-based, so you can easily clean your tools with water.

cladding boards

Your Cedral warranty is not affected

If you repaint your Cedral weatherboards, you keep the 10 year warranty on the quality of the fibre-cement boards. However, we cannot guarantee the performance and adhesion of the paint, as this largely depends on the preparation of the surface.

*Note: We recommend letting Cedral weatherboards age for at least 2 years before repainting them. Boards in natural colours are a special case: they cannot be painted as they have been made water and dirt repellent in our factory. This protective property unfortunately also repels the paint.

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